3D Printers


3D Printers

Watching a 3D printer at work is amazing, to think that it can create items on demand it truly inspiring.

There basically three ways of 3D printing, using FDM (filaments - like a roll), using Resin (liquid) or using a much more expensive option uses a powder based system.

I have uploaded videos of my 3D printers which you can watch on youtube (click here - opens new page), these are printing various dice towers on my website.

FDM Printing

All Dice Tower models are printed using an arrangement of my 3D Printers and using FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology. This materials comes on roll - usually around 1kg rolls.

One of the nicest things about printing via FDM printers is that you have a massive range of colours available including silk looking ones such as bronze, copper, gold, silver, etc.

And now specialist colours exist such as wood, marble, sparkly, matt, glow in the dark, translucent, and more are being released all the time.

The Models

For preference, I prefer to print all models as a single piece. However those that cant, are printed as kits, these require assembling and gluging together.

Models can take considerable time to print, some take as long as 30-40 hours. I only ever print my dice towers using the best printer for the job, regardless of the time it may take to print, additionally I print using at least 20% infill at high resloution.

Some of the 3D Printed Dice Towers are provided as kits rather than printed in a single piece, with these I include a very quick and simple How to Guide showing you exactly what parts you should have, and whats the best order in which to build your Dice Tower.

New printers

3D printing has exploded over the last 15 or so years, and there is so much new and exciting things to come. I will be constantly adding new printers to the range I have, but for now I have an impressive range with some printers for specify tasks (such as dual colour printers, belt printer and even the new mosaic palette 3 pro).

During 2022, I have my eye on around an additional 100 or so Dice Towers I want to add and some new multi coloured printers look set to be released.